A Server's Prayer
Loving Father, creator of the universe,
you call your people to worship,
to be with you and with one another at Mass.
I thank you for having called me
to assist others in their prayer to you.
May I be worthy of the trust placed in me and through my
I ask this in the name of Jesus Christ,
who is Lord for ever and ever. Amen.
"Serving at the altar is a privileged way to draw closer to Jesus, which in turn enables you to open yourselves to others, to journey together, to set demanding goals and to find the strength to achieve them.”
- Pope Francis
…With consecration, as you know, that little piece of bread becomes Christ’s Body, that wine becomes Christ’s Blood. ...Assisting your priests in service at the altar helps to make Jesus closer, so that people can understand, can realize better: He is here."
- Pope Benedict XVI
"He that is faithful in the smallest of things is also faithful in the greatest." - Luke 16:10.
Altar Servers play an important role at the celebration of Mass at Our Lady of Mercy. Besides assisting the celebrant, altar servers also support the congregation in their worship by their prayerful and reverent actions. The servers carry the Cross and candles, help to set the altar and hold the Roman Missal for the celebrant.
“You might think that the liturgy is made up of a lot of minor details: posture, genuflections, bows, handling the censer, missal, cruets, etc.
it is then you must remember the words of Christ’s Gospel, 'He that is faithful in the smallest things is faithful also in the great.' (Mk 10:21)
Moreover, in the liturgy nothing is little, when we realize the greatness of the one to whom it is directed.” - Pope Paul VI