Welcome to Our Lady of Mercy’s Confirmation program for 2023-24!
Confirmation 2024 - Saturday, May 4 at 10:30am
Preparation to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation is a 2-year program at Our Lady of Mercy. Students preparing to receive the sacrament must be enrolled in Mercy's Religious Education Program for 7th and 8th Grade or be enrolled in a Catholic school.
All students must register to receive Confirmation at Mercy.
If you have questions, please contact Meridith Sloan, Director of Religious Education, at msloan@olom.org or 301-365-1415.
For Adult confirmation or Confirmation after Eigth Grade, please contact Anna LaNave, Pastoral Associate for Adult Faith Formation, at alanave@olom.org or 301-365-1415 for assistance.
Service to others is an essential element of the Confirmation Program.
As Jesus taught,
"Rather, whoever wishes to be great among you will be your servant;
whoever wishes to be first among you will be the slave of all.
For the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve
and to give his life as a ransom for many."
Mark 10:43-45.
In the image of our Lord Jesus Christ, who came to serve others, we grow closer to God as we let go of self and focus on the needs of others. As shown by these selected "Service Reflections" from Our Lady of Mercy 8th Grade Confirmandi, beautiful transformations occur during service to others:
" Being in the church for a while helps you to connect with God."
" Helping kids who were struggling with Confession and talking to the priest and seeing them do well makes me feel good."
" [Serving Coffee & Donuts] made me think that when people spend time with their parish community they will be more likely to remember what they learned during mass and be good Christians during the week. This experience taught me that I would like to become more involved in the youth group at Mercy next year."
" I found God in this experience [of serving food to those in need] because God says in the Beatitudes to feed the hungry, and that's what I did."
" [Helping to care for people attending the Amercian Heart Association Luncheon] taught me that working for a goal is empowering and is something I would love to continue to do in the future."
" I sang [Christmas carols] to the elderly and brought joy to them. Jesus was kind like this."
" [Making and serving Thanksgiving dinner to the poor] taught me that I don't judge a book by its cover and I am willing to help someone no matter what they look like. There was a man there who others were afraid to go near, but I offered him food and he really appreciated it."
" Singing at school Masses has taught me that God will always love you and believe in you."
" I gave food to the people that didn't have money to buy food. Jesus also fed the poor, so I am looking at Him as my role model and following Him. I learned that I like to help people even if I don't get a reward."
"I went to the Holy Thursday Mass and got my feet washed by the priest. What this taught me about me is regardless of what I have done or will do, God is always there to forgive and like the priest cleaning my feet, God will always be there to clean my soul even that itself isn't pure."
" [Spending a day with homeless children at the National Center for Children and Families,] I saw God when we all had fun even though some didn't have what I do - a family. I should appreciate my family more and love them more."
"[By helping with the Sunday 5pm liturgy,] I learned that it's very easy to become a part of the church."
" [I found God in the experience of sorting coats for the Langley Park Coat Drive because] when times got long, tough, and tiring I could always look to God for help."
"I set up crayons and tables at the Family Centered Program classes. Also, I walked around and started conversations with [the families.] By teaching others about the Lord, it brought me closer to Him. I learned that I like to teach others and that it felt good helping others."
"[Being an altar server] felt like a relationship because I was helping [the priest] and he was helping me by showing how to do the steps correctly. It taught me how to depend on others when I didn't know how to do a job and helped build confidence in me each time I repeated the parts I needed to do. I was nervous when first starting altar serving because I thought I would mess up, but now I learned I needed to have some confidence in everything I do."
"I found God in the experience [of making Valentine's Rice Krispie Treats for the patients at the NIH Children's Inn] when I was giving sick kids a nice treat. This experience made me feel overjoyed because I knew that God would be proud."
"By offering Coffee & Donuts after Mass it gives people a reason to come together after worship and build friendships and an overall community, and that is how I found God."
"I enjoy the company of the people in my parish and kitchen work is hard work which gives me respect for those who do it every day."
"[Through coaching Flag Football] I found that helping children grow is very special to see. I feel that this is what God envisions us to do, to help the young become better."
"This service taught me to be more patient with younger kids. It also taught me that I can cope with others and help them in stressful situations."
"Since it took me alot of time and effort [to serve Coffee & Donuts,] I learned to appreciate everyone else's service."
"[Helping to put table covers on the tables at the Pentecost Picnic taught me that] doing little things in my community really goes a long way even when I don't feel it. It really has changed my perspective on how I can help in many ways."
" [When I served Coffee & Donuts,] I found God in all the people who woke up early to attend Mass and praise God. These people put God before what they wanted, which might have been a few extra hours of sleep. It taught me that I need to work on putting God first in my life, despite all the distractions."
"[When I worked on the Langley Park Coat Drive] I found out that I really enjoy doing something with a good intention. It makes me feel good, and I know God was giving me that feeling."
"[As an altar server,] I found God through the beauty of the mass. I was able to see the Mass from a whole new persepctive than before."
"I served coffee and donuts on a Sunday morning. It taught me to get more involved with service hours. Even if they aren't always the most enjoyable things, they benefit others and that's what's important."
"I found God in [the experience of working in the Parish Library] because I was giving people books that educated them on their religion and God."
"For my school Mass, I played flute. I can bring joy to others using the gifts God gave me."
"I made food for the Interfaith Works Women's Shelter. [I found God in this experience] when I didn't want to do it in the beginning, but God helped me offer it up and in the end it felt good."
"The Coffee & Donuts taught me that I'm a harder worker than I thought."
"I helped with religious formation classes. I found God by teaching children the Word of the Lord. The kids loved hearing how kind God is."
"I volunteered at the Geneva Day School Fall Festival. I found God in this experience by seeing the joy of the kids as I gave them their tatoos or face paintings. I learned that I like to make people happy by giving up something of mine."
"[Organizing my school's Best Buddies dance] I learned that I can easily interact with those with disabilities and I can be very friendly and kind."