This is a wonderful opportunity to become a special part of the liturgy. Altar Servers play an extremely important role at the celebration of Mass at Our Lady of Mercy. Besides assisting the celebrant, altar servers also support the congregation in their worship by their prayerful and reverent actions. The servers carry the Cross and candles, help to set the altar and hold the Roman Missal for the celebrant.
For More Information: Anne Blum at 301-838-0061 or
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion distribute the Eucharist or the Precious Blood when there are not enough Ordinary Ministers (priests or deacons) to distribute Holy Communion at Mass in a timely manner. In addition, Extraordinary Ministers may also volunteer to bring communion to the homebound or nursing homes residents who otherwise are not able to receive Jesus in the Eucharist. None of us are worthy to bring the Blessed Sacrament to others, but without Extraordinary Ministers, fellow parishioners who are unable to attend Mass would possibly not receive Holy Communion for many months at a time. It is a privilege, an honor, and a duty to help ensure our homebound brothers and sisters in the Faith are given the grace of the Sacrament of the Eucharist for their strength and encouragement.
As an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion, you can serve periodically, on a regular basis according to your availability, or simply be on call. For More Information: Trina Hope at 301-469-8949 or
Are you or your teenager looking for a new way to serve your parish community? Are you outgoing and enjoy contact with and helping people? Then this might be the perfect ministry for you.The Ministry of Ushers is looking for faithful people like you to greet fellow parishioners, welcome new ones, and assist those in need at Mass- be the first to welcome those attending Mass and help them be seated. Also, as late comers arrive, you can help them find seating if necessary. Distribute the worship sheets before Mass and the Sunday bulletin after Mass, assist at the offertory by passing the collection basket, and ensure an orderly procession at Communion. You might also be needed to provide assistance during an emergency. Once called gatekeepers, porters, or doorkeepers, ushers serve in a variety of ways at Mass. Did you know that we are all called upon by the Lord through our baptism to serve others, reaching out to all people in Christian love and service? Come and see what it feels like to accept the tremendous privilege of welcoming, and being for others a representative of our welcoming and gracious God!
For More Information: Joe Garland at 240-912-6690 or
Proclaiming the Liturgy of the Word at Mass so that the faithful can both hear and understand is essential. If God has given you this gift—a strong voice, clarity with words, and a love for Scripture—we invite you to become a lector!
The Liturgy of the Word, as a principal element of the Mass, contains the sacred texts of Scripture, revealing God speaking to his people. Readers are called forth to proclaim the readings from Scripture, with the exception of the Gospel. They may also announce the intentions for the general intercessions and, in the absence of the cantor of the Psalms, read the responsorial psalm between the readings. The Ministry of the Word calls for a person to grow in a warm and loving knowledge of Scripture, the Living Word of God. He/she is invited to enter a relationship with the Word that is creative, powerful and effective. A reader is called to be a communicator and a story teller of the richness of God’s love for His people.
For More Information: Steve Mister at or 301-980-7716