If you would like to volunteer to teach or assist with a religious education class in the coming year, please contact Meridith Sloan at msloan@olom.org
or 301-365-1415 x206.
Sharing your faith with children is one of the greatest blessings you can imagine.
No theology degrees required - all you need is a desire to share your Catholic faith!
To register for Religious Education Classes and Sacraments at Our Lady of Mercy, please click here.
Through faith formation, Our Lady of Mercy's primary aim is to foster each parishioners' relationship with Christ while developing a sense of belonging to the local parish community and the universal Church. Faith formation deepens our understanding of the core beliefs of the Catholic faith to encourage life-long learning and practicing of the Faith. The religious education program at Mercy seeks to serve the needs of any who desire to deepen their life of faith.
At Our Lady of Mercy Children's Faith Formation is divided into 2 sections.