Dear Friends,
Please add your intention below. It will be shared with Father Charles and the staff. You may include your name if you wish. If not, simply write Anonymous.
If there are people in our community who have specific pastoral or physical needs, please contact us at
If you would like a Mass Intention, please call or stop by the Parish House, 301-365-1415.
Please note that Masses are scheduled at least three months in advance and a nominal donation to the priest is usually offered (cash or check). A Mass card is included for either the living or deceased.
The Church and St. Gabriel's Chapel Vigil Lights are available for your special prayers.
A $5 donation is requested for the lighting of each candle.
Our Poor Boxes are stationed throughout the narthex of the Church and all monies received go directly to our charitiable programs. Please pray for those in spiritual, emotional and physical need.