Spiritual Resources                      (Linked to Photo)

  • Both Magnificat/Magnifikid are offering free access to their online prayer subscriptions, which include Liturgy of the Hours and Daily Mass readings/reflections.. With many of us teleworking, we have greater flexibility to step aside for a few moments throughout the day to pray. Now would be good time to build up this spiritual practice, so that when life returns to “normal” we will have another strong daily prayer practice in place.

  • PRAY AS YOU GO                            DAILY MEDITATION:  Listen online or on their app to a daily posting of a meditation on today's Mass Readings with beautiful meditative music.  Great way to start the day with the Irish Jesuits. 


    A partnership between the Dominican House of Studies seminary and Mercy.  Classes taught by faculty from DHS are offered at Mercy.  These are graduate level instruction.  The classes meet for 4 weeks and registration at www.mercyu.org is required.  Any money collected is used to pay a stipend for the faculty/cost of class and the rest donated to the Domincan House of Studies for the education of the Dominican seminarians.

  • Ascension LIVE: Jeff Cavins’ Walking Toward Eternity Special Edition
    Jeff Cavins hosts a virtual study experience of Walking Towards Eternity, a practical, biblical study about hope amid suffering: 8 Part Series - Downloadable book available for $7, but not necessary.
    Length: 45min Sessions
    Mondays & Fridays
    Streaming on Facebook - Ascension Press