If you've ever wanted to spread God's message to children, this is the perfect way to spend some time on Sunday.
For more information: Meridith Sloan at msloan@olom.org or 301-365-1318 x206.
Please volunteer to teach or assist with teaching a religious education class in grades K-8 for the 2019-20 school year. It doesn't take much - just a heart to serve and willingness to be part of a wonderful team!
If you're interested, please contact Meridith Sloan at msloan@olom.org or 301-365-1318 x206. Children of catechists receive free tuition for religious education classes!
OCIA is the ministry for those who wish to be received into the Catholic Church or baptized Catholics who wish to receive their remaining Sacraments of Initiation (Holy Communion and Confirmation). The formal formation program is active from late September until the Easter Vigil Mass, where the sacraments are administered. Liturgical Rites of Initiation accompany the catechumenate/candidates on their journey and are celebrated with the OLOM parish community at the weekend liturgies. Summer series are a good starting point to prepare for OCIA.
Anna LaNave: 301 -365-1451 ext 122 or alanave@olom.org
Part of any great Catechism is the ability for the leaders to grow closer to the students through leadership. If you are interested in helping lead God's children to the truth that is His Word, please contact:
Anna LaNave: 301-365-1451 ext 122 or alanave@olom.org